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SEA Campaigns

Search engine advertising -
SEA as a versatile marketing and PR tool

More than just better visibility on the web - with strategic overview, digital expertise and many years of industry experience, we design search engine advertising as an integrated communication tool. This is how we support our clients in using SEA in such a way that the campaigns advance the company on several levels and support the organization's goals - from sales promotion to lead generation and branding. 

Depending on your needs, we take care of the content conception of the campaigns and the definition of the KPIs, the design and copywriting of the ads, the coordination and publication of the content as well as the monitoring and reporting.

Successful at SEA with Carta

Success Strategy

We start with the DNA of our customers' companies and their business objectives and align search engine advertising with these in terms of targeting, target groups, content and formats. This turns simple advertising into a strategic tool that supports marketing, sales or distribution.

Digital Advantage

At Carta, an entire team that combines various digital specializations works on digital projects. Thanks to this networking and constant exchange, our range of services and our media expertise are constantly evolving - benefiting our customers as well.  

Experience Meets Future 

For over 20 years, we have been helping organizations in different industries to communicate in a targeted and effective manner. We incorporate this experience into every digital customer project, helping our customers meet current and future market requirements. 

Our services: Using SEA strategically

Our SEA services cover the entire campaign process - from defining the exact objectives and selecting the appropriate advertising formats to editing and designing ads, playing them out and measuring their success.

Creating an SEA concept

Definition of:

  • Targets and target groups
  • Suitable campaign or ad formats
  • Topics and contents
  • Tone of voice
  • Advertising frequency
  • Budget
  • Approval processes
  • KPIs and performance measurement

Performance analysis & optimization

Analysis and optimization of campaign performance in terms of:

  • Goals and target groups
  • Format selection
  • Topics and content mix
  • Tone of voice
  • Advertising frequency
  • KPIs and results

Creating display ads

  • Briefing or independent research
  • Copywriting of ads
  • Designing banners (static or animated) in relevant formats
  • Selection and verification of suitable target groups
  • Coordination and approval of ad playout(s)
  • KPIs and performance measurement

Setting up SEA accounts

  • Obtaining relevant information and access
  • Technical set-up
  • Content and initial campaign implementation
  • Coordination and approval

Continuous maintenance and support of SEA accounts

  • Optimization and updating of current campaigns
  • Launching new campaigns
  • Identifying new opportunities
  • Reporting

Creating text ads

  • Briefing or independent research
  • Copywriting ad texts
  • Selection and review of suitable keywords
  • Coordination and approval
  • Publication of the posts


SEA for alkus Construction Materials

For their brand building efforts in German-speaking countries and the USA, we successfully supported the construction materials company alkus in establishing its formwork panel solution in relevant industries and country markets.

SEA for Cura Aesthetic

For the Medical Institute for Anti-Aging Cura-Aesthetic, we have been promoting the visibility of cosmetic applications to relevant target groups for years.

SEA for Law Practice
Pabst | Lorenz + Partners

Through SEA, we create an audience for technical online contributions from the law firm Pabst | Lorenz + Partner. 

Search Engine Advertising (SEA) -
More than just advertising

The range of advertising options on Google and the like is growing all the time, although "advertise" here is not to be equated with classic "advertising". Of course, ads on search engines can be used quite directly for the promotion of products and services - but that is by no means all that the SEA instrument has to offer.

From banner ads that help establish a brand in targeted markets to using SEA platforms as a market survey tool to better understand and ultimately target audiences, properly designed SEA can be an important part of overall corporate communications and drive diverse areas of the organization. These include those that are at first glance related to communications, such as sales, marketing and public relations, but also other areas such as HR and management. They, too, can benefit from SEA and the data it collects and incorporate it into strategic decisions.

Which design of SEA makes the most sense, or how SEA can be used so that search engine advertising has the greatest possible effect in the sense of an integrated measure, always depends on the respective company, the requirements and conditions, the targeted goals and the market environment. There is no general solution, but there are more and more (technical) options.

Can we support you when it comes to SEA?

Phone: +49 6232/100 111 20
E-Mail: harris @

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