checkpoint systems:
Trade press relations for the retail sector
Establishing strategic media relations

Public Relations
Lokalization and positioning of a global market leader
Checkpoint Systems manufactures internationally leading smart solutions for the retail industry. The products reduce stock shrinkage, increase inventory accuracy and thus profitability. Checkpoint Systems chose Carta as its PR agency to localize global themes for the German market, develop proprietary content and dialogue campaigns, as well as to establish long-term media relations with the trade press.
Identifying key contacts and authoring topics
In close cooperation with the company's marketing department, we set up individual distribution lists for the trade press in Checkpoint Systems' various target industries. Since then, we have taken care of the constant updating and refinement of the distribution lists as well as maintaining contact with the trade journalists and are available as a contact point for press inquiries.
We take on the localization of press releases for European communications, exchange information with the marketing and PR managers of the other European countries in monthly calls, and advise on the development of our own topics for the German market. We then take over their copywriting, also for the client's newsletter or social media channels as a supplement to the ongoing trade press work.
In addition, we also take care of the dispatch of the created press releases via a market-leading PR software, take over the subsequent press clipping as well as the provision of publications.
Over the past two years of strategic trade press work to support sales in Germany, including joint topic management with the marketing team, we have established a continuous dialog with relevant contacts in the trade press. This is demonstrated by the following figures:
- Over 100 editorial reports in two years on Checkpoint Systems' products and solutions in relevant trade media in the target groups
- Copywriting, localization, coordination and distribution of one to two press releases per month
- Establishment and maintenance of more than 10 trade distribution lists via market-leading PR software for various customer target industries